Thursday, January 22, 2009

first world infrastructure with third world mentality/attitude...

Due to my nature of job, I'm glad that I can see the world by different view and give me an idea in lots of things. I can compare the attitude of people by various countries that I've been. Some have very unique and interesting cultures, not to forget about racism. But here the utmost important for me is how to improve on our side base on "good" values that we always proud as a Malaysian.

We can have the best, the tallest in the world here in Malaysia but when we don't have the right attitude, there is nothing to be proud off. Peoples are watching, tourists are comparing but we just don't even bother to learn and improve...or is it just being ignorant?

I used to take an ERL from KLIA back to my area as and when I need to get home fast. The trains are good and the service rendered by the staffs are not bad at all with friendly smiling faces at the ticket counter. I am kind of proud to have such transportation system in our country even though the speed of the trains could be stepped up to match the "high speed train" that has been quoted every where (airport announcement or from the advertisement). Not so high tech train in Sweden travels at 200kmh and that's a minimum for me to call a high speed train.

The point that I wanted to highlight is when I'm about to disembark from the train. Every time and every single of my trip, I'll be mad with those people who are about to board the train. Those people are selfish and inconsiderate, they stand right in front of your nose before you even make your way out!. With luggage or roller bag, it's kind of hard to make your way as they creates like a human wall in front of you prohibits from exit.

Why they don't let disembarking passenger out then only board the train?. Definitely they're fighting for the seats...too bad and to let disembarking passengers out first is the "rules" or etiquette in every transportation services in the world. If not, take an early train and don't make others suffer..why don't they queue at the specific point as they know wheres the train gonna be stopped.

I've made a suggestion to the station's manager on how to improve the service and leave my number for him to call me back, but business as usual..they never call you back and that is the standard of Malaysian way of handling customers.

Below is the footage taken in Taipei and compare them with our Malaysians...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jew or Zionist are all the same....

Israel Defense Force (IDF) made a press statement about hundreds of Hamas fighters has been killed in the fiercest fighting. But they never show in the news as evident and if IDF really killed hundreds of Hamas, surely the footage will be aired to the whole world and ask for support of their incursion into Gaza. IF the report is true, the number of civilians casualties doesn't justify their action, period!.

All they can say "this is war" and 1/3 who died are children.

Why did Hamas firing the rockets into Israel?, because they don't have the ultimate freedom and still being control by the Jewish state. The tunnels that Hamas build not solely to smuggle weapons but live stocks, medicines and foods!. To settle all these issues we have to look back at the core or roots of this problem. You've got to know the history....

Those day the Jewish people were not even care about the "promised land" and after the holocaust by the Nazis during WWII they make a return. All was based on their believe/Torah /Tanakh/Talmud, you name it and they came as war refuges. They were located in high security camp managed by the British and started to make chaos by killing few British army officers. August 1, 1948 the British mandate of Palestine (1920) was terminated by UN (resolution 181) in order for the formation of 2 states of Arabs/Jewish and slowly they grant their "right" after British left.
The approximate borders of the British Mandate circa 1922. In September 1922 Britain organized the territory east of the Jordan river, "Transjordan," as an autonomous state.

Below is the UN partition plan for Palestine in 1947

File:UN Partition Plan For Palestine 1947.png

and look at the map below, compare then & now...

They wanted Jerusalem so bad and few others strategic areas. click here and you can see what are the Zionist think about Palestine. This is an Israelis travel agency site which promote tourism in Israel and it shows everything about their vision. To them Palestine is never exist and by producing such a map it will educates new generations or people who doesn't know about the history and Indirectly rewritten the history...

Imagine this, you give small portion of your land for them to live and years later you are the one who have to get out from the land and fighting for your rights. This is almost the same history as Andalucia (now Spain). Would it be alright if the Muslims taking back Andalucia solely base on Islamic history & believe?..."you'll cry if you know the whole story of Andalucia".

That is a small part of history on how Jewish came into Palestinian's land.

Jewish/Zionist for me are the same. A person who extend right hand for a "friendship" and throw a punch from a left more careful of the right hand.

Alas, many fooled by them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day in Day out thing...

When you going to have something at "mamak" restaurant, what do you have in mind?. I bet almost everybody know what mamak restaurant has to offer.

Yet, I encountered a couple asking for a menu and the waiter search high and low for it (I guest very seldom customers ask for a menu). After browsing the menu, they order "roti kosong" in the end. But as a customers they have every right to ask for a menu. So, what's the problem?..nothing really but here is some human behavior that makes things a little complicated and out of norm.