Monday, November 2, 2009


It's a work of the young Martin Scorsese. It's was released shortly after the American Government decided to flew back all their armies back home from Vietnam. The year was 1976, it's the mark of the end of the Vietnam War. This film is the beginning of Scorsese's Genius as a filmmaker.

THE STORY:- Was told through the eye of a late nite taxi driver -Travis Bickle(Robert De Niro); who leaves in New York City. He's a Vietnam Veteran, who regularly writes a letter to his parent, lying to them that he'd doing well in the big city, but actually Bickle suffered a chronic imsomia & a lonely American male in search for love. Freakily went to watch a stags movie on his first date, & he buys guns, & talks to himself in front of the mirror, preparing himself for a showdown in the Big Apple! This is a deadly tales of a lost dead loner in the late nite urban scape driven himself to insanity, poor ol' guy!

THE WIERD IDEA:- Hey, he has this weird idea in his head but nobody wants to listen especially the mayor. New York in the 1976, portrayed by Scorcese filled with it's own version of red light district, where stag shows cinemas, can be found all over the placed. The hookers ranging as young as the sweet innocent teen Jodie Foster, to who knows how old this grandma? He carefully planned his weird idea after he met the exploited teenage hooker.

COMEO:- I personally love this scenes! Both of them Bickle- Robert De Niro was sitting in a taxi. His customer are spying on an apartment, spying on his cheating wife. Then the guy said,-' There! My wife is in that building! Cheating on me! You wan to  know whose apartment she's in? Yeah.. It's own by a black-man, a black-man! You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to kill both of them with this magnum! You know what a magnum could do?'- Be imaginative, you guess? The cheated husband was played by Scorsese himself. A quick brilliant sequence!

SOUNDTRACK:- Are compliment of manhattan style late nite jazz that perfectly suits the movie!

BEST BIT:- None other than an award winning in front the mirror speech. The hilarious yet provoking; 'Are you talking to me?! What? Are you talking to me?!' No, You must be talking to me caused there'sno one here'- scene acted by De Niro is a timeless classic movie moment. The guns dealer scene & finally with a Punk haircuts, De Niro aka Travis Bickle- stormed the hookers motel & in order to save the under age hooker, & at the same time wrapped the movie with a twisted Bloodbath shooting spree finale! It's really an unexpected ending, but it's a good one, & it made the movie won the academy award for the Best Picture.

So, what else I can write? It's a great film, it's original, a trendsetter, very visionary & it's one of my most fav. Best to be viewed late at nite, similar to the mood suggested by the movie!